Hydrogen Water

Men\'s Health Month: What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

Staying healthy is perhaps one of the most important things anyone can do in their life. But for all you men out there, are you aware of the various health conditions you may face during your life?...

Natural Remedies for Eczema

Skin diseases such as eczema are extremely common, and while there are many treatments available, there are more natural remedies for eczema and other skin diseases. By using products like acid wat...

Hypochlorous Acid: A Better Disinfectant

Many people are looking for safer, more natural ways to clean their home. Most traditional cleaning products are full of harsh and toxic chemicals that can damage your health and the environment. R...

How Hydrogen-Enriched Water Benefits Athletes

Athletes are known for working out hard and taking care of their bodies. But did you know that something as simple as drinking hydrogen-enriched water can give your exercise routine and athletic tr...

Announcement: Two New YouTube Series Launching Now

Tae Talks Science and Hydro Bro are launching on YouTube.

Antioxidant vs. Oxidant: What’s the Difference?

It’s a battle that has raged since the beginning of man: antioxidants vs oxidants. So, what’s the difference? And are these two competing microorganisms really foes, or are they in fact friends? In...